Recor offers green technologies/solutions converting waste into electricity, fuel, food and water on any scale.
Small to Medium Waste to Electricity, Heat and Water Systems
Some of our solutions include:
Small waste to energy solutions for municipalities.
Hospital (Medical) waste converted into electricity, hot water and potable water for hospitals on site.
Abattoir waste converted into electricity and hot water.
Fast moving consumer goods companies (FMCG's) converting their waste inot electricity, heat and potable water.
Industrial parks using our waste to enregy solutions onsite to guarantee 24/7 power supply.
Sawmills converting sawmill waste into electricity and water.
Residential areas/estates converting waste into electricity onsite.
Waste coal to electricity and potable water.
The waste can either be processed onsite with a custom designed material recovery facility or the material recovery facility can be at a different location and the wrapped RDF bales can be transported to the site.
Our pyrolysis technology can process most carbon based materials in a containerized clean waste to energy conversion system.
Ideal for industrial sites where almost all carbon based waste can be converted onsite into the required energy.
Standard units:
150kg/hr dry swallowing capacity; 150 KW + 150KW Thermal Area Req. 100m2
250kg/hr dry swallowing capacity; 250 KW + 250 KW Thermal Area Req. 170m2
500kg/hr dry swallowing capacity; 500 KW + 500KW Thermal Area Req. 400m2
750kg/hr dry swallowing capacity; 750 KW + 750 KW Thermal Area Req. 600m2
1000kg/hr dry swallowing capacity; 1000 KW + 1000 KW Thermal Area Req. 650m2
This system can not only produce energy but can also be an income generator by accepting gate fees to take waste from external suppliers. This will dramatically reduce your payback period in addition to the benefits of using your own waste to generate energy on site.
Given the fact that electricity prices and waste disposal fees will only increase as well as the loss of income of ongoing power cuts, it should be a priority of any waste producing company to assess the financial viability of this solution.
Each customers waste and energy requirements needs to be fully assessed in order to provide the ideal solution. Even high moisture waste types can be dried using the excess thermal energy available.
There is truly no need to downsize your operation or manage power cuts. This system will last for 25 years and will have a significant impact on your bottom line plus you can now think of expanding without to wait for municipal approval and connection or capacity shortages.
Typical Application
These plants can convert almost any type of waste into any required energy form, the plants are modular, small and is ideal for small municipalities, communities, estates and also for onsite waste to energy conversion at industry producing food waste, packaging waste, paper, pulp, hops, plastics, basically any waste excluding metals, concrete/rocks and glass.
What makes the solution so attractive is that industry can now convert ALL their waste into energy.
For Example: A Chocolate factory can now not only convert their chocolate waste but also the packaging waste, nut shells, plastics and every kind of waste the factory produces. The big saver is disposal and energy costs which makes this solution very viable for industry with IRR's of over 30%
How to scale your plant to your waste:
If you have X amount of waste and your moisture is 50% then you have to minus 50% of your waste weight to get to the actual usable weight for infeed.
Moisture needs to be less than 10% - If the moisture is high it needs to be dried with the heat the plant produces)
Waste fraction Size <20mm - For larger waste fractions the material needs to be shredded to the required size.

What is Pyrolysis?
Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of oxygen (or any halogen). It involves the simultaneous change of chemical composition and physical phase, and is irreversible. The word is coined from the Greek-derived elements pyro "fire" and lysis "separating".
Pyrolysis is a type of thermolysis, and is most commonly observed in organic materials exposed to high temperatures. It is one of the processes involved in charring wood, starting at 200–300 °C (390–570 °F).[1] It also occurs in fires where solid fuels are burning or when vegetation comes into contact with lava in volcanic eruptions. In general, pyrolysis of organic substances produces gas and liquid products and leaves a solid residue richer in carbon content, char. Extreme pyrolysis, which leaves mostly carbon as the residue, is called carbonization.
The process is used heavily in the chemical industry, for example, to produce charcoal, activated carbon, methanol, and other chemicals from wood, to convert ethylene dichloride into vinyl chloride to make PVC, to produce coke from coal, to convert biomass into syngas and biochar, to turn waste plastics back into usable oil,[2] or waste into safely disposable substances, and for transforming medium-weight hydrocarbons from oil into lighter ones like gasoline. These specialized uses of pyrolysis may be called various names, such as dry distillation, destructive distillation, or cracking. Pyrolysis is also used in the creation of nanoparticles,[3] zirconia[4] and oxides[5] utilizing an ultrasonic nozzle in a process called ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP).
Pyrolysis also plays an important role in several cooking procedures, such as baking, frying, grilling, and caramelizing. Besides, it is a tool of chemical analysis, for example, in mass spectrometry and in carbon-14 dating. Indeed, many important chemical substances, such as phosphorus and sulfuric acid, were first obtained by this process. Pyrolysis has been assumed to take place during catagenesis, the conversion of buried organic matter to fossil fuels. It is also the basis of pyrography. In their embalming process, the ancient Egyptians used a mixture of substances, including methanol, which they obtained from the pyrolysis of wood.
Pyrolysis differs from other processes like combustion and hydrolysis in that it usually does not involve reactions with oxygen, water, or any other reagents.[6] In practice, it is not possible to achieve a completely oxygen-free atmosphere. Because some oxygen is present in any pyrolysis system, a small amount of oxidation occurs.
The term has also been applied to the decomposition of organic material in the presence of superheated water or steam (hydrous pyrolysis), for example, in the steam cracking of oil.